PTSD can be treated!
Post-traumatic-stress-disorder is not solely a military phenomenon. People from all walks of life commonly experience posttraumatic stress disorder. Typical causes of PTSD: witnessing or experiencing any of the following sexual assault [childhood or adult], death or serious injury or being threatened with death or severe injury. The threat can be an event such as a tornado, earthquake or traffic accident or involve a perpetrator who threatened or did any of the above. Combat veterans have experienced these situations. Repeated exposure to such conditions increases the likelihood of PTSD. Long-term childhood or adult sexual abuse will often lead to PTSD. Usually, PTSD goes undiagnosed for years if not decades. As a result, the person experiences unhealthy emotions such as anxiety, depression and substance abuse. Mental illness often goes untreated. As a result of people routinely suffer needlessly. We absolutely must do a better job of encouraging others and ourselves to seek mental health treatment. If a person has a cancer diagnosis they would undoubtedly pursue treatment; mental illness is no different. Those who suffer in silence can feel powerless to overcome past traumatic events. I’m here to tell you there is help!